Super Fast BI Embedded Solution,

Entelexos: Production-ready. Suitable for Startups, Small Business, all the way up to Enterprise solutions.

Entelexos Hero Image
Philosophy: Data Democratization at Scale


What you get with Entelexos

A modern framework built for fast, secure, and scalable BI solutions. From 10 users to 10,000 users, Entelexos is ready to scale with your business.

Build on top of Power BI

Power BI is the leading BI tool in the market. Entelexos is designed to leverage the power of Power BI to deliver a seamless experience for your users.

Modern Web components

Using the latest technologies Entelexos is built with modern web components to ensure a fast and secure experience for your users.

Ease of Use has many wonderful features but this can be overwhelming. Entelexos simplifies the experience for your users.

Built for Multi-Tenancy

Every business need multiple customers to access their data. We support multi-tenancy out of the box.

Built in Table Builder

Reports aren't able to solve all our problems. Users continue to ask for data exporting. Entelexos leverages Paginated Reports to deliver hyper scale of data downloading.

Security is No. 1

Embedding Power BI is easy but securing it is hard. Entelexos is built with user and deep integration with Row Level Security, so you can leverage your full Semantic Model.

Usability is Top Priority

Users-friendly design lets you focus on what matters most

Easy to use for BI consumers

Get a world class experience that is easy for your customers to use.

Editable Reports

Users can copy existing reports and edit live inside Entelexos. No need to go back to

Create Bookmarks Within Reports

Find data that you need to see repeatedly, not a problem. Create bookmarks for your data and share with your team. Easy access to all bookmarks on your home page.

Exporting Data - No Limits

Custom built Table experience lets users create paginated reports on the fly to export data at scale.

Simple Controls for Admins.

Create and Manage User Access

Create users and manage their access to reports. You can also create groups and manage access to reports.

Create Groups of Users

When you consider your customers you may want to group them. Entelexos allows you to create groups of users to manage access to reports.

Easy setup to

Using all the recommended security practices from Microsoft setup your embedded experience with confidence.

White Labeling

Your brand is important to us. We allow you to white label the experience so customers immediately identify you.

Enterprise Ready Solution from Azure Marketplace.

Step 1: Visit Azure Marketplace

Full Enterprise solution ready to deploy from the Microsoft Azure Marketplace. Installing the application using a one click install.

Step 2: Set up

Set up an app registration and configure settings within your portal.

Step 3: Add Items

Manage all your App Registrations, and Power BI items such as reports, paginated reports and datasets. Quickly add user access to the reports using a simple UI.

Embedded Reports are Ready!

Steps image


Features of Embedded Power BI

Features of the application designed to make it easy to embed reports.


Either upload one user as needed or bulk up load using our downloadable template.


Your reports are linked to your account.

Semantic Models

Link semantic models so users can have full access to build data tables for exporting.

Custom Table Builder

Creating a simple table to export is simple and fast. Use Semantic Model perspectives to only show the measures and columns you want.

Grouping Users and Reports

Create groups of users and groups to make administration easy. You can manage multiple customers within Entelexos.


Super competitive pricing to bring your total cost per user down. BI reporting should not cost you an arm and a leg.


Users will be able to create their own reports on top of registered semantic models and share them with others.

User Management

With the enterprise solution you can integrate with any OAuth2 provider for user access.

White Labeling

Your brand is important to us. We allow you to white label the experience so customers immediately identify you.


Frequently Asked Questions

Dive into the following questions to gain insights into the powerful features that Entelexos offers and how it can elevate your data product.

Why Entelexos?

Entelexos is an accelerator to get you embedded project up and running fast. With years of experience building embedded solutions we have developed the most popular features into an app.

What do I need to start?

Getting started is as easy as using the Azure Marketplace to install the app. Once installed in your tenant you will be able to start adding users and reports.

Can we Buy this software and make changes?

We offer three methods to purchase this software, Per user licensing for small organizations, Azure Marketplace per month licensing and Enterprise license. Purchasing an enterprise license allows you to have full control of the software. Enterprise purchase includes the ability for your development team to add their own features.

Where can I get help on this software?

Software license purchases come with support for the application, if you require additional support above the standard support hours, additional time with our team can be purchased as a time and materials consulting agreement.

Embedded Solutions
Years Experience
Years in Development


Want to learn more visit our documentation for more information.